Author: Katie
Stage 3 Watering Restrictions begin Friday
The ongoing hot and dry conditions in the Cowichan Valley are leading to increasing pressures on our water sources. To ensure there is adequate supply for both human and environmental needs, the Province is urging all residents and local governments to conserve water. Stage 3 Watering Restrictions will be in place… Read more
Fish Protection Order Issued for Koksilah River
Extreme low flows and increased water temperatures in the Koksilah River are threatening the survival of fish populations including anadromous and resident trout, including steelhead. In order to maintain flows in the river, the provincial government has issued a Fish Protection Order which temporarily suspends use of surface and groundwater… Read more
Stage 2 Water Restrictions Begin June 14
All CVRD and municipal water systems will move to Stage 2 Water Use Restrictions effective Friday, June. 14, 2019. The increased restrictions are in response to the Level 3 (Very Dry) Drought conditions and the province’s call for a 30% reduction in water consumption. The CVRD and partners are moving… Read more
Drought Level 3 in the Cowichan
The dry spring has led to drought conditions in the Cowichan Region. An analysis of snowpack, rainfall, and river levels has shown that we are now at Drought Level 3 – Very Dry conditions. A below average snowpack has completely melted, spring rainfall was less than half of normal across… Read more
Level 3 Drought Leads to further Water Restrictions
The hot, dry weather this summer has lead to Level 3 (Very Dry) Drought conditions for much of the province, including the Cowichan Region. This is the second highest level of drought and calls for voluntary 30% reductions in water use. The Koksilah and Chemainus Rivers are at critically low… Read more
Flood Warning
The River Forecast Centre has issued a Flood Warning for the Cowichan, Koksilah, and Chemainus Rivers. This is the highest level of advisory and means that river levels have exceeded bankfull or will exceed bankfull imminently, and that flooding of areas adjacent to the rivers affected will result. As of… Read more
High Streamflow Advisory for Southern Vancouver Island
The BC River Forecast Centre has issued a High Streamflow Advisory for Southern Vancouver Island including the Cowichan, Koksilah, and Chemainus Rivers. Rainfall of 100-150mm is likely between Tuesday and Thursday and warm temperatures could lead to snowmelt. River levels are expected to peak Wednesday or Thursday at levels similar to those… Read more
Stage 2 Water Restrictions
In response to the Level 3 (Very Dry) Drought Conditions and the province’s call for a 30% reduction in water consumption, the CVRD and partners are moving to Stage 2 water restrictions across the region. All CVRD and municipal water systems which are currently at Stage 1 restrictions will move… Read more
Level 3 Drought Conditions on Vancouver Island
The hot dry summer has led the province to declare level 3 (Very Dry) drought conditions on Vancouver Island. Much of the Cowichan region has received less than 5mm of rain since mid-June, which is less than 10% of our normal summer rainfall. Temperatures in August were more than 2… Read more
Koksilah Watershed Water Conservation Request
The provincial government is asking all Koksilah watershed water users to reduce their water use by 30% until current drought conditions come to an end. According to the province, The Koksilah River is currently experiencing severe low flows and forecasts indicate that water flows will drop to levels which will cause significant… Read more